Bookish Quote Roundup #1

When I first started my blog I experimented with “quote roundups”, where I would post a quote and explain why it spoke to me. I have always been a lover of words. The idea was a good one, so I tweaked it to better fit my blog’s bookish identity. I’m here again with a new […]

August Acts of Kindness

Isn’t it crazy that it’s already August? I came up with three acts of kindness that I’m challenging all of you to do at some point during the month of August.   Read to a child What kid doesn’t love to have a story read to them? We’re really big on reading at my house, […]

A Country Music Confession

There’s a secret about me that’s hidden – not very deeply – under my surface. All it takes to learn about my secret is for someone to ask me to turn on the music. Then, anyone in a five-mile radius will suddenly know that JESSA LOVES COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!!! Every so often friends who are able […]

Quote Roundup #3: A Quote About Music

Each of us has a few things in our life that basically make our life what it is. These things may include family, sports, painting, art of another sort, quilting, books, writing, or interests like animals, history, or astronomy. These things give our lives meaning and purpose. They make us unique and allow us to […]

A Playlist of Positivity

Mondays have a reputation for kind of miserable. It’s so hard to get up on most Mondays, because it feels like the week stretches on across eternity before the weekend will arrive again. I decided that this week we should start off with some positivity. I came up with a list of songs that are […]

A Month Filled With Music

Most of my best ideas find their way into my thoughts while I’m doing one of two things: Taking a shower or listening to music. Ironically, this idea came to me while I was showering. I thought to myself, what should I write about in May? Lots of ideas ran through my mind, but none […]