Kindness Challenge

SUMMER IS HERE! I am so excited for Summer! I love all the seasons for different reasons, but I think that summer is wonderful. I love all the fun things about summer; like swimming, playing in the sprinklers, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and planting a garden.

Here on my blog, we are going to kick off the Summer with a challenge. The challenge that I came up with is a Summer Kindness Challenge. I have come up with a list of fifty acts of kindness that everyone can do this summer. The challenge is geared towards kids, but anyone can participate! You are welcome to alter any of the ideas on the list, to make it more applicable to you. My siblings and I are super excited about doing this challenge over the summer. I hope that you, your family, and friends will participate too!

I printed a copy of the kindness challenge for me, and my siblings so they can mark off their completed acts of kindness. We are trying to complete all the items on the list by the end of the summer, and I am going to write about some of the ones we have the most fun with.

I hope that all of you will try to look for ways to be kind this summer, and complete this challenge with me. The acts of kindness that I have come up with are all things that you can do with friends and siblings; see who can do the most this summer! I hope that everyone will participate; kids, parents, teenagers, grandparents, toddlers, and anyone else can complete these acts of kindness. If some of these ideas won’t work for you, I would encourage you to alter it and make it work for your situation, rather than giving up on that one altogether.

I hope you have tons of fun with this challenge that I’ve made, and will tell me about all the kind things you do for people this summer! I am excited to do this with my friends and siblings, and will definitely tell you about it in my blog posts over the summer. Good luck, have fun, and don’t forget that there are ways to be kind all around you!

Click here to print your copy of the Kindness Challenge

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